From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU to everyone who supported our 1st-ever Pregnancy & Infant Loss Film Night & Panel Discussion on Friday April 28th, 2017! The event was 1 week ago today, so in case you didn't have a chance to attend the event, we thought we'd share a bit of a recap:
Overall, we got a sense that many people felt a sense of relief to be in a room full of understanding people where they could talk openly about their losses. It was interesting to hear how many people came to the event because they knew someone who lost a pregnancy or an infant and were looking to find ways to better support them (thank you to those amazing people in our support network). We were very moved by many people in our community who got up to speak at the event. Some of those people just experienced losses of their own, as recent as two weeks previously. Our hearts go out to them as they experience their loss, but we hope they know how much support they have in our community. Even if our event helped just these people, even just a little, we feel it was a success. Here is some of the other feedback we've heard so far:
We value your feedback on this event, and our cause. If you have additional feedback for us, feel free to comment here, or send your feedback to [email protected] For those of you who weren't able to attend the event in person, you can still have a chance to view the videos here: An Ottawa-based family's experience with Perinatal Hospice. This film will explore Rachel and Rob Samulack's journey with Perinatal Hospice at Roger Neilson House and the 100 precious minutes that they spent with their son Aaron Samulack. Created by the University of Quebec in Gatineau. Five fathers share their experience of their child's death and the tools that have helped them to live through this storm. These stories can inspire bereaved families, professionals' practices toward men, as well as the development of policies and services for them. . A film on pregnancy and infant loss by Shawn Lovering on his mother's experience with pregnancy loss. Link to be added in the future (we're sorry that it's not publicly available at this time) Again, THANK YOU so much to everyone who supported this event! Thank you for supporting individuals and families who have or will experience pregnancy and infant loss. Ottawa/Gatineau is an amazing place to live and we have such an amazing community! Thank you again to our panelists, including:
Thank you to our volunteers, including all of our wonderful bake sale contributors! Thank you to everyone who made and purchased butterfly wings! If you didn't have a chance to purchase a pair of wings and you'd still like to, they are still available at 3 Sisters Bakeshop & Gourmet Creations for $30/pair. Thank you to Fabrications Ottawa for donating the organic cotton for these wings! All proceeds are supporting the Run! And last but not least, thank you to everyone who attended the event! We're having a Silent Auction to support Aaron's Butterfly Run! The Silent Auction will happen online, in this Facebook group, on June 2nd and 3rd, 2017. Feel free to join and share our group! We're hoping to have at least 700 members by the end of May, so we'd encourage you to invite your friends and family! Proceeds from the Silent Auction will benefit Aaron's Butterfly Run Ottawa/Gatineau, in support of families who've experienced pregnancy or infant loss. Proceeds will be used to cover costs including race signage, kits, and food for the runners and walkers, among other costs. We're also still looking for donations to the silent auction. Your donation could be something as simple as a gift certificate to your business. All donations are greatly appreciated! If you're able to donate to our auction, any and all donations will be greatly appreciated! Thank you to those who've donated thus far! Stay tuned to the Facebook group where we will be posting about all the items available and where you'll have an opportunity to bid on items! Also, be sure to check out the other events, such as our Paint Nite, which are supporting Aaron's Butterfly Run!
Yesterday, Rachel and Rob Samulack (parents of Aaron Samulack and coordinators of Aaron's Butterfly Run) had the opportunity to talk to CTV Ottawa about the Perinatal Loss Bereavement Support Group at Roger Neilson House. Here's what Rachel and Rob have to say about their experience with the Perinatal Loss Bereavement Support Group:
"You are my angel, my darling, my star... and my love will find you, wherever you are."
- Nancy Tillman, Wherever You Are, My Love Will Find You For other perinatal loss resources in Ottawa and Gatineau, in addition to Roger Neilson House, check out the Resources tab on our website. All proceeds from Aaron's Butterfly Run will go to Roger Neilson House. As we've chatted about before, butterflies can have a lot of meaning for those who've experienced a loss. The metamorphosis of the butterfly is a powerful symbol in so many ways for us when we are grieving.
Each spring, Bereaved Families of Ottawa (BFO) holds a special community memorial and fundraising event - a butterfly release and walk to remember. This year's event is on Sunday May 28th, 2017 from 3-6 PM at Beachwood National Memorial Center. It will include a memorial ceremony, live music, an opportunity to speak the names of loved ones lost, the butterfly release, and a memorial walk. For more info on this event, and to pre-register, check out BFO. The Ottawa Sun also recently posted an article on the event. BFO is also an excellent resource for those experiencing pregnancy or infant loss. They offer a recurring, year-round, perinatal loss support group on the 1st Tuesday of every month from 7:00-9:00 PM (there is a support group tonight!). No registration is required. For those who are able to contribute, they request a $10 donation/person or $20 donation/family; however, all are welcome regardless of the ability to pay. For more information, you can connect with BFO here:
Incredibly good news in the Ontario 2017 Budget which announced expanded funding for women across Ontario who experience pregnancy and infant loss. Below is the paragraph in the Budget announcing increased funding for women across Ontario for expanded health and care programs. Great news for everyone that has fought so hard for improved perinatal health care.
"The Province continues to invest in and support families who have experienced pregnancy or infant loss by expanding support services and improving the collection of data to support the commitments under the Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness, Research and Care Act, 2015." Haven't heard of Bill 141? Here's some more info for you:
Here's how you can be part of the movement...
For more information and news updates:
April 2023